Online Courses

Get access to life-transformative workshops on tantra, sacred sexuality, masculine and feminine, love, and meditation in the comfort of your own time and space. Get access now…

Sexual Mastery for Men Online Course

€ 45

The Feminine & The

€ 45

Rising In Love
Online Course

€ 75

Deepen Your Meditation Online Course

€ 25

Let's talk about Men Online Masterclass

€ 20

Orgasm - What Your Mom Never Told You About

€ 15

Life-Changing Webinar

€ 190

Dissolve Into Love Free Workshop

€ 25

Divine Sexuality Free Online Workshop

€ 25

Vigyan Bhairan Tantra Online Course

€ 479

€ 240

From Ecstasy to Enlightenment Meditations

€ 25