Seventh Chakra - Sahastrara (Super Consciousness)
Schedule: May 9th to 11th, 2025
Venue: Fokus, Austria

Meditation & soul mate experience
Chakra 7
This weekend is all about super consciousness rooted in the body. Its a crown of all energy centre. It is here human experience the divinity. Anyone who has doubt that they can be divine has to experience this centre opening. During this retreat there is a potential of merging your right and left brain which can bring about a sudden awakening.
Schedule: May 9th to 11th, 2025
Venue: Fokus, Austria
What will you experience in this workshop?
- Purging of emotions, experiences and feelings that are not needed
- Experience of Mahamudra by meditation from tibet
- A dance of the divine
- Experiencing mini Satori
- Zen koan to awaken super consciousness
Who is this workshop for?
This weekend is non-residential and open to singles and couples as well. We will explore our intuition and inner intelligence through physical, energetic and spiritual practices that include but not limited to meditation, dance, exercises and massage. These all will be within a peaceful, gentle and respectful environment.
The weekend starts with 18:00 Friday and ends at 17:30 Sunday.