Fifth Chakra - Vishudha (Creativity and expression)

Schedule: November 8th to 10th, 2024
Venue: Prana Yoga Studio, Austria

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Being a channel, Master creator and manifestation

Schedule: November 8th to 10th, 2024
Venue: Prana Yoga Studio, Austria

Chakra 5

This weekend will help you to open your capacity to be a channel of existence where you receive guidance directly from the source. When kundalini is awake and moving upwards then at the throat that one need to have courage to express truth as it is in order to manifest what universe wants from you.

What will you experience in this workshop?

  • Pure consciousness in the physical body
  • Union of masculine and feminine
  • Ability to manifest what is aligned with your soul
  • Purification of the Ego
  • Aspect of lord Natraj
  • Yantra Mantra and tantra through ritual of life

Who is this workshop for?

This weekend is non-residential and open to singles and couples as well. We will explore our creativity and manifestation strength. Physical, energetic and spiritual practices that include but not limited to meditation, dance, exercises and massage. These all will be within a peaceful, gentle and respectful environment.


Early Bird Offer

Till September 26th


Single Module

The weekend starts with 18:00 Friday and ends at 17:30 Sunday.

Venue: Prana Yogastudio
Mariahilferstr. 82
1070 Wien